Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Looking To The Clouds

I couldn't resist the clouds the other day. I see so many images here! My favorite is the old guy with bushy eyebrows and flyaway hair. Do you see him?


  1. Oh, SISSY! They're beautiful!!!! That first picture has two angels with lifted hands. In the second one I see wings unfurled--and that guy with the bushy eyebrows made me laugh.

    What a funny little fellow! I LOVE him! I'd sure like to play around with his face a bit!

    (grin) These are wonderful photos! They fill my eyes with their graceful beauty.

  2. Clouds are so uplifting! So creative! So Wonderful to watch and imagine! Thank you Clytie for sharing these puffs of imagination. I keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. healing wishes and prayers go out to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P.

  3. I see clouds here that are almost identical to these. I guess they are so much alike that they are alike.

    Thanks for your comment about breastfeeding.

  4. I love his eyebrows and hair he reminds me of a glee teacher I once had. The top one looks like a flock of owls trying to land and the middle picture is a school of dream whales. Clouds and the most fantazmagorical things I love them.

  5. I see him in the first shot. But not so much in the others. (Maybe I only really see angels).

  6. just making my rounds all over blog-town - saying hell-o , enjoyed checking out your blog and thankful for the friendship. Happy week-end!

  7. I'm always taking pictures of clouds. lol

    When I was taking film photos I used a lot of the images for my artwork.

    Btw, I live in Clackamas Cty too. ;-)
