Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome 2012!

What's your word for 2012?
This year, instead of making "resolutions", I am adopting a word.

My word for this new year is ... SEIZE.

As a reminder to hold on to the important things in my life!

I will start with ...

It's all around us, all we have to do is LOOK.
To see the beauty in the simple things ...
Like a leaf.


  1. There is indeed beauty in simple things like leaves, and this is a fantastic photo of one.

  2. Oh, Sissy. Me too. This photo and your poignant words filled my eyes with tears...and my heart with thankfulness. I have you.

  3. I do this every year as well Clytie. My word for 2012 is "concentrate". A great shot!

  4. Too funny. We both started the year with a leaf. I didn't begin with a word, but rather a focus list for my projects. I'm grateful that I'll have some time for them this year.
