Monday, May 18, 2009

Help There's a Chicken in the House!

This darling lady decided to take her afternoon nap in a most unusual place ...
I had to pick her up and carry her back outside. She refused to budge on her own.

While this darling lady showed off the look that earned her the nickname "Vulture Chicken"!

We have so much fun with the ladies. They both have personality plus -- and they think they are cats. Of course the cats think they are people, so they fit right into our unconventional family! I guess it's a good think we didn't decide to raise pigs or cows, huh?


  1. (guffaw) I say! That is so funny--I have to say that photo of the vulture chicken made me belly laugh! How hilarious! Unconventional, lovely, warm and totally wonderful!

    ((hugs)) These photos--especially ms. vulture chick--filled my eyes with their unusual splendor. (grin)

    PS I'm REALLY glad you haven't decided to raise pigs or cows...

  2. Okay so here is the thing, I don't do chickens!! And the reason is another trip down memory lane to my Grandpa's chicken coop. I was maybe three and right behind him when he entered the coop a bunch of chicken came flying at us. It must have really traumatized me because I want nothing to do with a chicken unless it's in a cardboard bucket with Col.Sanders on the side.
    Love your chicken pictures but honey the though of having a chicken in my house just...well it just gives me the vapors ya all.

  3. Awww...I think she's adorable even if she does have that "vulture" look going on!

  4. The redhead certainly has a photogenic stubbornness! She really dug her heels in.

  5. How FUN! I remember my little sister when she was 3 had her pet cochen(a buff colored feathery legged chicken). She'd carry her everywhere. They made quite the pair. And yes, We had sheep and rabbits,chickens, geese, pigletts, ducks, turkeys, quail, goats, calves,and even our little colt in moms kitchen, at one time or another... She'd say "awe how cute... now get outside with that!!!" Thanks for the memories! And such percousious personalities they have (love the vulture look)! Thank you.

  6. She knows a good place to come into and sit . Why should this lovely lady not visit in the house ??? Love this post, always so fun and unique. She has a good name it fits her perfect!

  7. I guess they were tired of being cooped up!
